State of survival capital clash rules
State of survival capital clash rules

state of survival capital clash rules

The longer the towers are occupied, the faster the frequency of the attacks. If a tower is held by an alliance besides the one controlling the Capital building, it fires at the troops inside the Capital building. Occupying the towers can help in the attack against the Capital. However, often times, winning the event without holding some towers is difficult. As mentioned before, to win the Capital Clash, your alliance only needs to hold the Capital.

state of survival capital clash rules

If no alliance can achieve the four-hour non-stop occupation, the alliance with the longest occupation time at the end of the event, will claim victory in the Capital Clash event.

state of survival capital clash rules

To win the Capital Clash event, an alliance must hold the Capital building for four consecutive hours. Note: After a certain age of the state, the Capital Clash occurs with State-versus-State once per month, in which the Capital can be challenged not only by the alliances in your state, but also by the alliances in another state that you are matched with.įigure 2: The Capital Clash battle area layout. Figure 1, shows the Capital building when the event has not been unlocked in the state yet. After the first Capital Clash, the schedule will be fixed and the Capital Clash will occur once every two weeks. The first Capital Clash can occur on any day of the week, and not necessarily on a Saturday. When a state is first opened, you will have a countdown until the first Capital Clash event. The event lasts for eight hours, starting at 10 UTC and ending at 18 UTC, or whenever an alliance has occupied the Capital for 4 consecutive hours. This event occurs every two weeks on Saturdays, and each alliance has the chance to seize control of the Capital for the next two weeks. Official Guide: Capital Clash - Medium Ĭredits: Bringer of the Undead, Stormrage, Unstoppable WriterĬapital Clash is a statewide event where the entire state can fight for control of the Capital and the right to appoint the Governor.

State of survival capital clash rules